Friday, April 27, 2012

Operation Cowgirl: Part 2

After a not-so-brief hiatus, I've finally settled enough in to my life in Houston to re-enter my world of blogging.  3 months ago I made a list of reasons to move to Houston.  Not only is this city influencing the way I live, speak, and eat, but my own adjustment period has had some influence on how my life is shaping upas well.  As much as I'd like to give a report of miraculous differences or changes, this list will have to suffice. 

So without further adieu: things I've picked up on, observed, learned, noticed, frequented in my short tenure here:

1.  I may or may not have started to use "ya'll" on a regular basis
2.  "This isn't my first rodeo"
3.  U-turn lanes at the off-ramp of every freeway exit.  Still don't really quite understand this one.
4.  Cockroaches.  Why?
5.  Things to do without Internet or TV:.....still working on this one.
6.  Slower elevators (and more polite elevator patrons)
7.  Um, people are nice.
8.  No State Tax Withholding.  Everybody loves this, until you see the state of the roads.
9.  Bigger soft drinks (who needs a refill when you get a 44 oz the first time?)
10.  Rodeo, Car Shows, Big Trucks, BBQ, Cajun (ok this is more than 1, but oh well).

PS.  Target, I love you.