Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mysterious Disappearances

I've been using Facebook disproportionately more than usual at this temp job. Add that Facebook has made some changes today, including the addition of "lists" on the left hand toolbar, and the amount of time clocked today would borderline an unhealthy level. Which brings me to the discovery today that someone I know unfriended me.

I'm all in favor of full disclosure and constructive criticism, and therefore propose this additional "update" to Facebook.

If you unfriend someone, Facebook should give you a drop down to inquire as to why, and send this feedback to the unfriended.  I've even come up with the reasons that they can provide:

1.  The person's status updates have become unbearable and hiding the person just isn't going to cut it.
2.  The person was never a "friend" to begin with.
3.  The person was a "real life" friend at one point, and no longer is, i.e., you've already unfriended in the flesh.
4.  Stalking has reached an unhealthy level--either on your end or theirs.

I may or may not have unfriended people for these exact reasons.  But, I can't help but want to know others' line of reasoning for unfriending me.  Afterall, if you have chosen any of those above reasons, how offended could one be to receive this type of "notification"?

There you go, Zuckerberg. 


  1. This is a fantastical idea! I personally tend to un-friend people for reasons 2 and 3. And when people have un-friended me, I usually ask why, but no one ever wants to tell

  2. Haha, seriously, we should just all agree we're not that hurt but we want to know why...
