Thursday, September 29, 2011

Old Fashioned Chivalry and Modern Day Feminism

Despite my feminist leanings, I still can't help but swoon a little at any man who stands up and offers his seat to a woman on the subway.

But then I got to thinking, can I simultaneously advocate the concept of chivalry and the concept of feminism?  I worried that accepting chivalry would be to accept some kind of "special treatment" that would therefore negate the premises of feminism.'s definition of chivalry is:  "The sum of the ideal qualifications of a knight, including courtesy, generosity, valor, and dexterity in arms."  Well, sounds to me like all of those qualities are highly admirable (though dexterity in arms is a little less applicable today).  I then expanded this discussion with my friend Jenn (she's 2 n's, I'm 1).  She said she would add to this definition, "chivalry celebrates the differences in the sexes."

But,I would like to take Jenn's definition of chivalry one step further and say that my brand of feminism "celebrates the differences in the sexes".  I do not believe in the old brand of feminism that strives to make men out of women.

Rather, I think it is important that feminism gives equal opportunity to women, while simultaneously celebrating the inherent differences between men and women.

So, my answer for now then, is yes, Chivalry and Feminism please.

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